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Bilan societé GE

Bilan société GE

Bilan fait par la société GE

La société GE à lancé un challenge pour optimiser les supports de moteur d'avion pour la futur génération de moteur

GE Reports

A jet engine bracket designed by M Arie Kurniawan, an engineer from Salatiga in Central Java, Indonesia, came in first place in a global 3D printing challenge held by GE and the open engineering community GrabCAD. Kurniawan will receive $7,000 in prize money. GE and GrabCAD also selected seven other design winners who will divide the balance of the $20,000 prize pool.


GE and GrabCAD launched the 3D Printing Design Quest in June. They challenged the public to redesign a metal jet engine bracket, making it 30 percent lighter while preserving its integrity and mechanical properties like stiffness.

The bracket attaches to the outside of the engine. Manufacturing and maintenance crews use it to manipulate jet engines like the GEnx, which weighs 12,800 pounds.

Participants from 56 countries submitted nearly 700 bracket designs to the Quest. In September, the partners picked 10 finalists who received $1,000 each.

Prototypes des sélections




Tests grandeur nature

Des tests sur moteurs ont été réalisés avec une soufflerie spéciale permettant de soumettre le moteur à des turbulances 
